
harrisburg-nc-senior-portraits | Jessica by Staci Noel

When seniors come to me with specific ideas or asks for their senior portraits I do everything I can to make sure we create custom portraits that capture those things. It’s such a personal thing to have your portrait taken and this time in your lives is such a specific and fleeting moment. So when Jessica wanted outdoor portraits but said she absolutely had to have creek images I knew we were about to have some fun! Despite it being October and just a tad on the cool side she braved the woods, and the climb down and the chilly water to get images that were jaw dropping in every way!

harrisburg-nc-senior-portraits | kellyn by Staci Noel

One of my previous senior families came back for another round:) I did Kellyn’s sister’s senior portraits three years ago and I just adore this entire amazing group of people! They are always up for some fun and so trusting of the process that they make it easy to get amazing images - not to mention that they are all just down right adorable. Kellyn had to include his prize posession Rosie and of course we took some baseball images just for dad. And as expected my afternoon shooting this kid had me laughing the entire time! Killer images of Kellyn to celebrate his senior year!

charlotte-family-photographer | Fall Mini Sessions by Staci Noel

Family portrait sessions are always a fun change of pace for me and of course fall is the busiest time of the year for family portraits. It's also come to my attention though that fall is a crazy busy time for newborns as well - I don't know what was going on 8 or 9 months ago but man have I been fielding newborn calls left and right lately. How can I pass up the opportunity to photograph in the gorgeous colors we always have around Charlotte and Harrisburg though, so I knew I had to come up with a plan to squeeze some family photo sessions in during October. 

This year has been an extra crazy time for me personally as we are in the process of moving into our new home and my new studio space. Since we weren't quite sure of how that was all going to go down I decided to offer a weekend of mini sessions for my fall family bookings and I have to say I think it worked out great! Despite the fact that we got rained out one day and had to push into the next weekend I managed to photograph a bunch of families and get them all turned around prior to our move - no delayed Holiday Cards for my clients!!!

I am so blessed so have great clients that trust me year after year with these precious memories! Here's a quick peek at some of the great families, both new and return:),  that I got to create portraits with this year!

charlotte-newborn-photographer-staci noel photography studio changes by Staci Noel

Big changes are coming for my family and for SNP studio! I am soooooo excited because we are in the process of finalizing some big plans and I can't wait to share them with you! In the interim process I have been doing a little work around here to accommodate consultations and reveal sessions. While I will still be shooting out of this room for sessions I can also now use it to show maternity, newborn and baby clients all of their images!

I'm not an interior designer but I do know what I love and what colors are "my colors" :) I found these adorable chairs that have a modern feel to go with my very modern futon. And of course the colors had to be grey, white and the blue that I love. I've had an old oak curio cabinet from my grandparents languishing in my kitchen for 9 years and I've always wanted to paint it. A coat of chalk paint in complimentary colors did just the trick and I LOVE how it turned out!  

Here's just a quick peek at what I've done. Doesn't' it look just lovely!!! I can't wait to have my first in person meeting to design a custom portrait session!