
miss brooklyn turns 1 | charlotte baby photographer staci noel photography by Staci Noel

I had the joy of photographing Miss Brooklyn before she was even earth side as I did her mommy's maternity photos:) We followed that up with her newborn session, her 6 month session and recently it was time to celebrate her very first birthday! While she wasn't too sure about the cake at first we managed to get some gorgeous shots of that devilish little grin she has and some pretty lovely images of her beautiful personality!

Happy birthday big girl!!!


charlotte nc children's and family photographer | family r and their big boy by Staci Noel

So this beautiful family had a two part session. Our first meet up to create some gorgeous portraits was in February to celebrate their awesome son's 3rd birthday and let me tell you I have never seen a happier little man! He walked in like he owned the joint and proceeded to crack me up for the next hour! Seriously, I smiled the rest of the weekend!

Then this last month we all met up again for their family session. We absolutely lucked out; we have had so much rain here in Charlotte over the last several weeks it's been almost impossible to get outdoors for a nice family portrait session. But this day was ahhhhhhmazing and we got some gorgeous images that I hope they will treasure for years to come!


To book your own amazing family session please visit me HERE and fill out your information. I can't wait to speak with you regarding your own amazing experience!